Dark Future…Operatives

I have some operatives for the Interceptors…

Maybe a bit in the small side but I loved the poses. One rushing forwards and the other holding his torch and handgun.

These are from Elheim there was a bit of a whoops with my order, for some reason some figures had been put into the wrong bag so COP2 (above) turned out to be COP3 (uniformed chappies with hand guns)

I haven’t managed to finish them yet, but they are getting there…

Not sure what I will get up to tomorrow night as I am helping mother in law out as Father in law is in hospital, there is pony riding, firework party and then I have to collect all of my stuff I wish to sell on Sunday (one if the clubs is having a sell your stuff day).

I have decided that I want a 3D printer so I need to sell some stuff to afford it.

Dark Future… now with drivers

Hurrah my drivers arrived!

They fit perfectly in the cars.

The other bits and bobs are ideal too…

I painted a couple of drivers up and got them glued into the cars.

I glued the canopy into the interceptor, I really cannot remember it being a slight yellow colour, maybe it hasn’t aged that well.

The other good news is that I found a pile of 20mm tank spruces, with the odd bit of unused tank on them. Hopefully I will find something useful (There is already some nice chain and a radio aerial visible)…

I will get the guns onto the renegade tomorrow and any other bits and bobs from the metal equipment (a couple of Jerry cans are going on the side of the car at the very least).

The second Renegade is going to have mesh inserts to cover the cockpit… well it will when I can find it.

Dark Future…Motorcycle’s Finished

Managed to get these finished today…

My little boy turns 8 tomorrow but as it is a school day we had presents and birthday meal today. I am surprised I managed to do anything. Full of food and been out in the fresh air… absolutely zonked out!

I also glued the rocket launchers onto the interceptor and gave them a quick coat of blue.

My eldest made a chocolate layer birthday cake, but actually used my rotating cake stand for an actual cake. That is a first, it is normally used for airbrushing stuff!

It was an extremely yummy cake, so I might just let her off (well she did ask to use it).

This afternoon’s shenanigans were once again in glorious weather.

The woods looked amazing with the late afternoon sun coming through the trees.

And then there was a great sunset as we were driving around killing time before going to Frankie’s Fish and Chip shop (one of the best, if not the best in Scotland – well they have won so many awards now I can’t remember where they stand).

Tomorrow I will have a think about what colour asphalt to do for the bikes.

Dark Future… Motorcycles

I started on a couple of the bikes,

The one thing about the bikes is they aren’t really what you would expect for a Wasteland bike gang. These are a bit more Van Saar than Ratskin Renegades as a Necromunda analogy.

You can tell their age, if one compared the plastics now to these from then, there is absolutely no contest. You can’t really tell on the photos, but the gun butt goes right across the body of the rider. I will paint them all up on bright coloured bikes, but with the same dark coloured leathers.

My drivers have been dispatched, which means I can get the cars finished soon. The piping on the interceptor was glued down and given it a blue wash. I am considering adding the missile launchers on backwards to the side holes just visible above the green bike. These would become either boosters or smoke dispensers. As the end of the hose is directly above the hole it might work….🤔

What else have I been up to…

As I have recently got back into playing Fallout 4, I thought I would share one of my favourite songs on Diamond City Radio…


I have a new idea for a new book…

Murder on the Tringaloongahulahumbele Express!

It was a rather nice evening yesterday…

Tonight wasn’t too bad either…

Sadly the tablet wasn’t able to cope with the differing light levels…the distant hills were a lot more visible to the naked eye.

Dark Future…Interceptor Weapon System

Weapons glued in place

Pipe thingies part painted and shoved on to see what they look like.

Still a bit of work to go, but over the hump now. Hopefully the drivers will arrive next week and then I can get them in, the cockpit canopy on and everything glued together.

I am going to see if anyone has any water slide transfers so that I can put a number on the side.

I did consider some of these…

However they are all a bit too big ☹️! somewhere I have a one from a Cadian Walker it has a nice selection of numerals and skulls for that matter. But can I find it? Can I bugger!

Dark Future…Further Painting

I got in late tonight

so only managed to do a smidge on these.

I decided to redo the green and then went a bit wild adding dots. It looks better at a distance than an extreme close up. Mr Skull got some superglue onto it and then I dropped it on the floor. Only took me 5 minutes to find it. It is very, very small!

I ordered some drivers from Elheim as well as some armour plates and Jerry cans etc.

We shall see how they go into the vehicles.

Dark Future… Messing About With Greenstuff

No painting tonight…

But I did have a play about with weapon configuration…

I felt the lighter guns were more streamlined on the right. The top of the interceptor will be a turret, containing either a chain gun or a 40mm grenade launcher.

The skeleton volunteered his head to act as a hood ornament, which was jolly decent of him 😁.

Whilst having a mooch for things I came across a nice little oil drum, this fits these cars really well. So I sought out my reusable moulding stuff and made a simple mould. This stuff has been used with Milliput and unfortunately has left a nasty residue. And over time this has worked into the material. It still seems to work though.

Now a sensible person would have put it into the mould with the mould line in line with the two halves…. sensible and me was discussed yesterday…this is a proof of concept test run….that is my excuse and I am sticking to it.

Finally the Greenstuff tool was hauled out and put to use to make the following…

I am not sure what it is meant to be but it fills in a couple of holes. The mould seems to have worked too 😁.

I am out working on internet safety tomorrow evening so I am not sure how far I will get on these.

Dark Future – the Exteriors

I managed a bit on the external parts of the car.

The Green on the camouflage is a bit too light as it doesn’t show up too well.

These have still a fair way to go, I need to highlight and shade them both.

The biggest problem is what to do with all of the holes. The buggy is going to have a couple of guns, some skulls and various bits and bobs that befit a wasteland raider. The interceptor will just look wrong with stuff draped all over it. Too many guns will just look wrong. I will have to have a think. A sensible person would have filled the spare holes first. I aspire to be a sensible person one day😉.

I contacted Ramshackle today to see if they would just do some drivers, if not then Elheim do some as well as gangers.

If I need Zombies I reckon I have enough…

Slightly on the large side, but who cares!

Well me actually….now that I see that I can’t unsee it… grrrrrr!

Dark Future, the Interiors

Made a bit of a start painting the cockpits on the cars. Brown seats for the buggy types and coloured for the Interceptors.

I also added lots of bright buttons and lights as well as trying some dashboards…

I actually only needed to paint the engines on two. They can only be seen on the buggies!

I have already started on a blue interceptor to match the seat cover 😉. Too be honest I am a bit worried as to what these will come out like. Edge highlighting has never been my forte. More like my minus forty. But it is something different. I will have a mooch online to see what inspiration I can get.

I only wish I had drivers to add into them. The original drivers had the steering wheel moulded onto them. These will look a bit weird without them.

Having had a look I can get some from Ramshackle games, problem is I only need 4 drivers, they have a good deal on their stuff but do I pay £20 for stuff I will never use?

I will have to have a think on that.

Dark Future… the start

Well I made a start on my vehicles

I started painting them with a brush, after 30 seconds I thought sod it and located a rattle can, sadly it was black, but it was in the house with me, rather than out in the shed.

All sprayed black and ready to make a start tomorrow.

Tonight’s film of choice was…

I needed to check it out before letting it loose on the kids. My little boy is 8 so technically too young, but we always check things out before letting him loose. It has got a stygimoloch, which he has gone on about since he heard about the film from his school friends, so he will be happy!

I enjoyed the film, a good sequel to the first in the trilogy.