Dwarf Rangers

This evening I did a bit more on the pair of rangers and a smidge on the mounted dwarf too.

They are nearly finished…

I have come up with a new game… it’s called ‘Guess the model from it’s supports’. Here is your starter for ten

Dwarf Rangers

Tonight I got kicked off the computer so I decided to paint something. The dwarf rangers were handy so they got some paint slapped on them…

Still a fair way to go, but more colour than white now.

A Few More Dwarves

Well if you remember I finished my dwarven warband for Mordheim. I did have to proxy a couple of miniatures for inexperienced fighters. This has now been solved by Highland Miniatures bringing out some dwarf rangers.

So here we have a pair of lightly armoured dwarves. The mounted one in the background is there because there was space on the build plate.

Final Dwarf

Well that’s the final dwarf done…

Here is the full warband with the crossbow being the final one.

Not sure where to go next. More Mordheim or something different.

Snow is melting now, by by all accounts it might be back on Tuesday.

Two More Dwarves

This evening I got another couple of dwarves done. This takes the total to five out of the six starting miniatures.

This leaves only the crossbow to go. Luckily he is half way done…

Hopefully I will get him done tomorrow.

I managed to get a bit more done on my goblin general…or rather his mount.

Working on the Dwarves

Well all schools were off today and I was on Child protection training all day. My daughter and I were going to do some more stuff on Ark, but sadly it needed a 7GB update so I painted while we watched ‘The Mitchell’s Versus the Machines’.

I would have got a lot further but my good lady forgot to turn the bath off. Water intake outpaced the overflow and to cut a long story short we have no dry towels. On the upside we have a concrete floor under the Lino and it is a single story house.

So back to the painting I eventually went. I managed to get this far…

Still a long way to go, but getting there, with these three anyway.

Snow is still here and the temperatures have dropped way below zero.

Berserker Finished

Tonight I managed to get the berserker finished. I slapped a bit of paint on some of the others too.

I will work on the rest tomorrow.

As the female engineer actually has more than just her face painted then I think subconsciously that she is joining this warband.

Working on the Dwarves

Tonight was another evening of Dad/Daughter bonding. We spent most of this evening preparing for a new base move. This was moving into a more dangerous area so we needed to prefabricate walls and doors ready to get them on the ground as soon as we got there.

We survived, a few hairy moments but in the end got a new protected base camp set up in the Boondocks.

This meant that painting time was reduced. I still managed a small amount.

The clan colour for these is green. My back story for them is that they have a fungus in their caves that give the cloth a green hue.

As you can see, the berserker’s hair is now a darker orange.

Well, the long weekend is now over. I will have to drag my sorry ass into work. Made all the more difficult as I am one of only three schools on Shetland open tomorrow. Pretty much, the same number is open on Orkney, the rest of Scotland seems to be on strike.

I will try a bit more painting tomorrow..