Barkhoven – The Great Composer

Even though I am spending far too much time playing Fallout 76; I still managed to paint this pair this evening.

The collar was done with thr same light blue and it does make Barkhoven look like he has blue ears.

I cannot remember what the other one us, one of the civilian range from Alternative Armies, but as to the race… not a clue.

Almost Finished

Yes, the Flintloque miniatures are nearly done. I worked on them this evening again. Painted the base, did the rims, took the photo and then realised I had forgotten all the brass work on the rifle and pistols!

I will try and get it done during the day tomorrow.

I have a hospital appointment with a specialist on Thursday so it is a ferry trip down to Aberdeen tomorrow evening. I could have taken a flight, but this way it is cheaper for the old NHS… oh yeah and it means I get some time in Aberdeen.

I am going to see if I can find any model shops… not holding my breath as I haven’t been able to in the past.

Jean D’Arc

Well sort of…

Not really much done. I was going to undercoat the militia, but it was torrential rain and strong winds so there was no way I was going to go into the shed… wimp that I am!

I painted both flags in the same blue. This was with Army Painter standard acrylic. Some shading and highlighting will be required.

Oh yeah I painted the green on the knight too.

Hopefully I can carry on tomorrow.

Knights and Pumpkins

I carried on with the Knights and foot soldiers this evening. I just need to get the bases painted on the foot below. I have to finish Joan D’arc and make a start on another mounted knight and another banner bearer on foot,

I also got this lot done for my mate…

I still have to do the stems and then get them based up.

For these pumpkins I went outside my usual method and sprayed these black, dry brushed them white then added the orange. I actually did something different to my usual… I won’t be doing this regularly though.

In other news my new filament printer arrived today.

Something Achieved

This evening I forced myself to paint something. I am really not in the mood at the minute. Ongoing health problems mean I am knackered and then I have had this flu thing…

But this evening I went for it 🙂

Mr Dwarf was picked up and added to the part painted pile. He is nearly finished… it has only taken me about ten months so far.

Hopefully I will keep the momentum going tomorrow.

Another Knight Finished

This evening I got this pair finished.

Bill the pony made an appearance to balance the scene up a bit. I am toying with the idea to add water slide transfers to the knight as well as the shields on the various foot soldiers.

I made a start on another pair of mounted knights as well as more foot.

The school has built a little diorama for a local festival of trees. Here is a work in progress…

I will get photos of the finished diorama tomorrow… well it better be finished tomorrow as I need to get it to the organisers tomorrow afternoon.

Painting Knights

This evening I got some paint slapped onto the Highland Miniatures Knights.

The colours for the livery are in a different style to the previous iterations.

I really had to force myself to get this small amount done. I am still not 100% so anything I manage is better than nothing.

A Bit of Painting

I got my finger out and finished the grave digger. I also did I wthe masked lady as well as a couple of scatter pieces.

I also used any ‘spare’ paint to get some work done on the knights. Not a huge amount, but enough to make a start.

I will hopefully crack on with the knights tomorrow.


I really didn’t fancy painting the Sisters this evening.

The Steroids seem to be becoming less effective which is an absolute Bugger. I have already had to go back up a microgramme and it is looking like I will need to go back up again.

So instead of painting I built a few more Gallians, which will be undercoated and painted tomorrow.

The metal ones are for my mate. This pair arrived with the ones I painted yesterday. these are from Westwind miniatures.

I will of course be back with the ‘one coat’ paints tomorrow. 🙂