Armoured Bear

Now to put things into context in gaming terms I am à wood elf player… dwarves… meh! But I have persevered and painted some for Mordheim. But to be honest I want a lot of these 🙂

Really like the bear heavy cavalry.

Dwarf Rangers

This evening I did a bit more on the pair of rangers and a smidge on the mounted dwarf too.

They are nearly finished…

I have come up with a new game… it’s called ‘Guess the model from it’s supports’. Here is your starter for ten

Dwarf Rangers

Tonight I got kicked off the computer so I decided to paint something. The dwarf rangers were handy so they got some paint slapped on them…

Still a fair way to go, but more colour than white now.

A Few More Dwarves

Well if you remember I finished my dwarven warband for Mordheim. I did have to proxy a couple of miniatures for inexperienced fighters. This has now been solved by Highland Miniatures bringing out some dwarf rangers.

So here we have a pair of lightly armoured dwarves. The mounted one in the background is there because there was space on the build plate.

Final Dwarf

Well that’s the final dwarf done…

Here is the full warband with the crossbow being the final one.

Not sure where to go next. More Mordheim or something different.

Snow is melting now, by by all accounts it might be back on Tuesday.

Working on the Dwarves

Well all schools were off today and I was on Child protection training all day. My daughter and I were going to do some more stuff on Ark, but sadly it needed a 7GB update so I painted while we watched ‘The Mitchell’s Versus the Machines’.

I would have got a lot further but my good lady forgot to turn the bath off. Water intake outpaced the overflow and to cut a long story short we have no dry towels. On the upside we have a concrete floor under the Lino and it is a single story house.

So back to the painting I eventually went. I managed to get this far…

Still a long way to go, but getting there, with these three anyway.

Snow is still here and the temperatures have dropped way below zero.

Showing Too Much Skin?

Okay technically, the only thing that is showing is skin. My plan was to have hundreds, nay thousands to flock to the blog. If you are one of them then sorry. Well I suppose it is better than when he opened the box he needed to get help…

So I did some skin… then we played Ark. hopefully I will get some more painting done tomorrow.

I heard an interesting question the other day… discuss… ‘what happens if you put a werewolf on the moon?’

In Hot Water

Luckily not me, at least not yet… I am supposed to be writing my Standards and Quality report for work and it hasn’t happened yet!

What was in hot water were the dwarves…

I was quite a long way into resin printing before I found it about how hot water really helps remove the supports. So it is now often a standard practice with my prints.

I have now done another dozen dwarves, veterans this time…

The above are the two handed axeman. The other half dozen are single handed axe dudes.

I painted the bases of the sohei today, but didn’t take any photos. The dipping inks were ideal for this.

Many Hands Make Light Work

I spent a lot of today slicing and printing, but in doing so I was reminded of the conundrum… how many angels can dance on the head of a pin… my version is less complicated… now many hands can sit on the head on a penny…

As you can see from above it is quite a lot… I printed out a whole load as I wasn’t sure how many I actually needed, but here is one if them stuck onto one of the miniatures to replace his resin pike.

The Eagle came out quite nicely too… I decided on this pose as I wanted him to be attacking the Goblins I the rise…

The way I will pose him is coming in feet first, hopefully it will look okay. I also printed up another warg and rider as well as another four foot.

I am also printing up some beasties for Silver Bayonet…

Finally I got some paint added to this dwarf officer.

I am rather pleasedwitb him if truth be known.