Luckily not me, at least not yet… I am supposed to be writing my Standards and Quality report for work and it hasn’t happened yet!

What was in hot water were the dwarves…

I was quite a long way into resin printing before I found it about how hot water really helps remove the supports. So it is now often a standard practice with my prints.

I have now done another dozen dwarves, veterans this time…

The above are the two handed axeman. The other half dozen are single handed axe dudes.

I painted the bases of the sohei today, but didn’t take any photos. The dipping inks were ideal for this.

10 thoughts on “In Hot Water

    1. I give them a clean and generally leave enough time for the IPA to evaporate. Then get some hot water, not boiling though. I do a test dunk to see how long and Shove a pile of them in the water and get to work. I then leave them to dry before curing them under the UV lights.


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