Technically it should be Paint Them Black, but I like the song so now you know.

Yes tonight I decided I had better make some progress on the Sisters of Battle…

That seemed to be the longest painting session ever, Ten miniatures painted black. I would seriously hate to do an army… on the up side the Contrast paint went over the white craft acrylic without a problem.

These things have annoyed me from day one of their builds, hopefully things will improve soon. I am now off to watch a video on how to highlight black.

I was going to get some colour on either the squire or knight but decided that I really couldn’t be bothered.

As I love the far side, I thought I would share another one that I got sent… pretty much sums up my day today…

6 thoughts on “Paint it Black

  1. “Paint it black” is one of my eldest’s favourite songs, after I think he discovered it on that video game where you have the controller shaped like a guitar.

    Batch painting is a pain in the arse isn’t, especially when you aren’t right into the figures.

    Like the cartoon, reminds me a little LCD game a friend had when I was young, where you had to bounce people across the screen as they jumped out of a burning building and into a fire engine. 😀

    Cheers Roger.

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