Tonight I was going to crack on with my Beastmen, I spent quite a while repainting things white. Nobody to blame but myself as I could have been a bit more tidy with the earlier colours and to be honest if I wasn’t wanting to paint in only Contrast paint then it wouldn’t have mattered as much.

So anyway this is where they stand right now. I was about to start on the hooves and horns when my good lady suddenly remembered that she had grabbed a parcel off the postman this morning. This arrived today 😁

It has bucket loads of bits and pieces in it….

To save photographing everything I used a page in the rules….

The tiles are nice…

All 22 are double sided and are rather nice. I randomly chose the above five to show them off. With the tiles come 31 miniatures…

The heroes including Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Bilbo and a couple of others whose names I have just forgotten.

As can be seen, the named characters are not based on the films.

There are lots of evil types too.

The game is run via an app, it gives the maps and runs the game, recording what decisions you make. Something done early on can have an effect later on in the game.

Based on the app there are two campaigns one in Arnor and the other around Bree. The second is a paid one £6.99 I think. There is also at least one villain set out which comes with three new miniatures and various cards too.

There are no dice in the box, the various cards show successes on all sorts of tests.

Hopefully I will get some painting done tomorrow and perhaps get time to work out the rules on the game.

11 thoughts on “Beastmen IV and a Big Parcel

  1. Good stuff, you should be very proud of the skin tone on these chaps.

    You probably never read your own blog but if you do you’ve somehow set a couple of posts as stickies so they always show up first. They don’t seem to be of particular ongoing relevance so maybe you could find a way to ‘unsticky’ them please?

    Liked by 1 person

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