Well that’s the roof printed and it looks rather fab…

The one thing that isn’t obvious from this picture is that either the front or back is off the table by about a mm. It can just be seen as a black shadow below the doorway. One corner had raised a bit on the first couple of layers and got stuck back down with some pritt stick. Looks like as the build went on it separated from the base plate again. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter as it is barely noticeable but in the printer scheme it might mean a sneaky error has crept in. It could be anything from a loose belt to a too hot or cool nozzle. Looks like some more research is on the cards…

The whole thing was designed by Ecaroth and found on Thingiverse. Total print time around 15 hours. 10 plus for the base and 4 hours 11 minutes for the top. The thing is that you set it going, make sure it is going to bed down okay to the build plate then leave it to do its thing. Come back later and voila it is either finished or a nest of spaghetti.

I am hoping to get this and the other one painted up this weekend. I have a long weekend so four days of work… huzzah!

2 thoughts on “3D Printer Mausoleum Finished

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