Well if you have been following my blog for a while then you will know I do like my 3D printer and therein lies the problem.

The other night I was doing a test print of something at 75%. One thing on the build plate, one teeny tiny thing. Seemed a waste to turn it on for just one thing… so I spent the next hour deciding on what to add to the plate…

I actually have zero need for a pair of ogres with big guns! Ooh actually I have just thought of a potential use… proxy Super Mutants for my Fallout RPG if it ever gets off the ground.

On the left there is a cult psyker for some Alien infestation type force  and on the right is a cyborg bounty hunter.

To be honest it is just too easy to find the file and print it. I reckon I am going to have to go back to the paint what I have approach.

I also printed off a band for each of the Geek Club…

They are a bit smaller than what they are used to, but we can see how they cope.

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