6 thoughts on “A Little Bit of Paint…

  1. Making some progress there, Steve! 🙂 I’m now caught up on the latest series of “Shetland” and the highlight for me was . . . the Cake Fridge! You have just got to feature that in your Out and About In Shetland posts!


    1. Cheers John, to be honest I have never managed to get to the cake Fridge, the actual original fridge was always empty when I went past or now there is a cafe there it is always full… strange, but true fact. I actually looked to buy that house, even went to view it, but we were out off by a neighbour dispute, se we ended up where we are now. My current cook makes cakes for the cake fridge and left my s hood to go and work there, but with lockdown etc she came back into my kitchen…

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