Her ladyship loses face.

As the gallant doctor rushed to support her ladyship he very quickly realised that to her ladyship losing face had a whole new meaning.

I do like her ladyship the figure is really good with her either removing or putting back her face.

I need to get a glaze on the smooth out the contrast of the flesh tones.

I am not too sure about the yellow dress. Because it is an ancient yellow wash it has gone a bit shiny. Because it is a wash it has caused me problems where it meets the purple wash. I think a repaint may be in order.

I managed to get a bit more done on these two:

Still a fair bit to go, but I am getting there.

Finally another lady…

Madame Pompaboom and her manservant.

I bought this duo as I thought it was a fun little set. The manservant is employed to hold up Madame’s hair… complete with a bomb in the top.

I would have liked to have got more done, but it has been a busy day. We were tiling the floor under the cooker until about half eight this evening. I hope to crack on tomorrow evening but rumour has it we will be redecorating the kitchen!

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