Mizzy’s Bow and Bottles

This evening I achieved a little bit more on Mizzy. I got her bottles and bow started.

I am thinking of leaving the bottles as they are and working a bit more on the bow.

I also plucked up the courage and did a bit of work on her lips.

I bought the AP Thunderbird Blue a good while ago because I thought it was a nice colour. It worked well for what I wanted here.  My first thought with the bottles was to have two different colours, but I bottled it, no pun intended.  I just didn’t think I had enough ideas on what two to choose that wouldn’t spoil the overall effect.

Today I have evidently made my 90th post in a row. 10% of my longest run, but hey nearly three months of daily posts.

Mizzy Layer Three

This evening I got the third layer done on the bodice and am now happy with the colour.

It is definitely different to the waist now. So I would say that is a success.

I will hopefully get the bow and bottles done tomorrow.

I am eventually going to have to tackle her face. I am slowly running out of other bits to paint.

Oh and WordPress has done the same again. I went from 84 posts in a row to three yesterday. Not sure if it is WordPress or actually Jetpack… whichever one it is, it is getting bloody annoying.

Back to Mizzy

Well Mizzy and I have made up and I did a bit more this evening.

Now her top looks very similar to her waist. It is a totally different colour, but as the paint was so thin then it will take a few coats to darken up. I used Vallejo ‘copper brown’ and ‘ork skin’ this evening.

I am really liking how this coming out. Eventually though, I am going to have to bite the bullet and do her eyes!

More on Mizzy

I worked some more on Mizzy this evening. I noticed today that she has fingerless gloves on her left hand, so I sorted that first. I also did some leather as well as her sleeves.

I also repainted her eyes white.

As I was doing her I was also working on a 28mm miniature.

Slow, but steady progress.

Mizzy’s Blouse

Well this evening I did my first pass on the cloth. For this I chose Space grey from Vallejo. I am not sure how much medium I used, but it was about 4:1

This is a totally different way for me to paint. Normally it would be slap the colour on and move on. To be fair to myself I am normally painting whole Armies or warbands.

This (or rather I am forcing myself) to work in a different way to usual. I am having to slow down and mop up pooling more. I would sometimes not bother as it would be covered by another colour or hidden in the mass of miniatures. You can see where I have removed some of the darker pooling below. Still not perfect but a better attempt.

I shall carry on with this and see how I get on over her and the other three busts.