Woah, I have just reached a milestone I never, ever, ever thought I would reach. WordPress has just informed me that I have just done my one thousandth post.

Although I decided early on that I was going to blog regularly, I never thought that this would ever happen. The one important thing is that I wouldn’t have managed it without you fine people reading it and commenting. Before this blog, the longest I ever managed was two weeks with one post a week. On that blog I had the grand total of Zero followers.

I therefore want to say a big thank you to everyone who has come and commented or liked or even just popped in to wonder what this weird blog was all about. The other thing my stats told me was that I have written at least one post every day for the last 325 days.

I will probably need a lie down once I hit the 365th day 😂 The following photos were the first on the blog. One even has the blog name on it 😂.

I still haven’t finished basing these miniatures!

17 thoughts on “One Thousand Posts

  1. Congrats mate, and a big thanks to you for entertaining us ,not only great modelling photos but life ups and downs ,weather ,and interesting tales and not to forget the views you encouraged us to post, so cheers mate, keep going to the big 365!!!

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