After two pretty much fine prints I woke up to this this morning.


The far leg had actually snapped off… I am not sure how, but the supports had built up around it so I couldn’t see where the weird bit lying on the build plate had come from.

I started another print and gave up after about an hour as there were chasms that would lead to a major failure if it carried on. Interestingly the gaps were in a totally different place on this one to the other one above.

Even bigger bugger!

The first few layers are rock solid and in the first one above they are rock solid after the fault lines. It seems to be intermittent under extrusion, which is a bugger to find out the reason as it normally happens at a random point and time. I decided to give it another go. I tightened some things and loosened others, pushed the Bowden tube in as well as pulled the filament out to look at that. It has a slight bulge at the end but nothing huge.

I had a look at the raft and it has some under extrusion lines in it too… Once again I am back to the flummoxed stage.

I did wonder if Cura was having an issue, but as it has had problems at different heights then I don’t think so, yesterday’s rafts looked fine too.

If this one fails, then I will get the nozzle off and make sure that isn’t blocked like last time.

I have ordered another couple of rolls of this colour as it works and the colour is easy to photograph.

I have now developed flu like symptoms, nothing major but everything aches and I generally feel crap. On the up side I don’t have to worry about catching Corona any more as I think I have it! From where and from whom the family caught it is unknown.

The first minister of Scotland is going to give a statement on Education at 14.00. I reckon they will shut schools across the country. Whether it is a holiday or a just shut remains to be seen. We have one more week until the Easter break after this one. We shut ours due to operational reasons, 750 pupils and over 50 staff were off last week. We cannot get supply staff for love nor money so we couldn’t stay open.

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