So I eventually got these finished… I have really enjoyed doing them and am pleased with how they look.

They are, with the exception of the metallics, all done in Contrast paint (apart from Army Painter dark wash on the hair). The contrast paint was added over a cheap white car primer (well £4 a can). One day I might splash out and see what the ‘proper’ undercoat colour looks like, but I doubt it. I would rather spend my money on toys and not undercoat 😉.

I could go over bits and do highlights, but haven’t worked out how with this paint yet.

As these were finished, I made a start on the Beasties…

I got all six built, these went together easier than the Fey. So easy in fact that I had to superglue one of the heads on as I reckon I would have lost the thing eventually.

So once built, I warmed up my spray can in warm water and then gave them a blast.

I will have to have a think about the colours, they will be a lot less bright than the fey, I would imagine green and gold would not feature heavily in their wardrobe choice.

Regarding colours, if you had asked me I would have said I had painted these with a very limited palette….

It was this many!

Guilliman flesh

Aggaros Dunes

Flesh Tearer red

Black Templar

Snakebite leather

Skeleton horde

Plaguebearer flesh

Gryph Charger grey

Militarium green

Iyanden Yellow

Gryph hound orange

Ork flesh

Gore Grunta fur


Blood angels red

I forgot to show warp lightning, this was used on the gems in the belly of each of them

I also didn’t bother showing the paints I repainted a different colour.

This is not all of the Contrast paints I have, but for the beasties I will probably have to mix some of the colours rather than purchase any more.

I have decided to leave the fey bases as is for the time being as they are beginning to grow on me.

14 thoughts on “Fey Finished…Onto the Beastmen

    1. Helps the paint mix with the propellants. Something useful in cold climes but probably not a worry in New Mexico. You still have to shake the buggery out of it, but I find it goes on better. My paint sits in my big shed, which is sitting at about 10 degrees C so it needs all the help it can get to go on smoothly.

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